Grow your MRR with a Dynamic Pricing for subscriptions

Grow your MRR with a Dynamic Pricing for subscriptions

Give your customers a new payment method to let them pay after using your product

Choose payment method

Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


With DePlan payment method you will

Increase conversion up to 50%

Increase conversion up to 50%

Customers get full experience without any commitment

  • No card required for subscription

  • No risks to be unexpectedly charged

  • No annoying trial period tricks

Reduce customer churn rate

Reduce customer churn rate

There is no reason for users to unsubscribe:

  • No mandatory monthly subscription fees

  • Full control about payments

  • Possibility to start using app again any time you need

Increase conversion up to 50%

Customers get full experience without any commitment

  • No card required for subscription

  • No risks to be unexpectedly charged

  • No annoying trial period tricks

Reduce customer churn rate

There is no reason for users to unsubscribe:

  • No mandatory monthly subscription fees

  • Full control about payments

  • Possibility to start using app again any time you need

Learn how it works


Users payments based on the intensity of a product usage

Users payments based on the intensity of a product usage

Intensity takes into account different variables like: quantity of downloads/uploads/exports, frequency of usage, amount of consumed content (articles read, video watched…) etc.

The one who load the app server more than others during a month (Max Usage) would pay a full monthly subscription.

The one who didn't use the app during a month at all (Min Usage) would pay zero. Other users get the price in between zero and full monthly subscription price based on their percent relevant to Max and Min Usage.

The one who load the app server more than others during a month (Max Usage) would pay a full monthly subscription.

The one who didn't use the app during a month at all (Min Usage) would pay zero. Other users get the price in between zero and full monthly subscription price based on their percent relevant to Max and Min Usage.

See example


Choose payment method

Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


5 users used the Photo Tune App with Ai during a month differently

5 users used the Photo Tune App with Ai during a month differently

Out of 5 users the first user created max load on the app server and get 100% Usage Intensity. So they will pay full monthly subscription price. The last user didn't use the app during a month, get 0% Usage Intensity and would pay zero. Other users get their prices according to their Intensity Usage relevant to Max and Min Usage.

Think about it

Lost users due to constant subscription

Lost users due to constant subscription

Users who don't use your product frequently just unsubscribe

  • Unsubscribed users will never pay you a penny

  • Free plans are your expenses

  • Unexpected charges lead to users disappointment

  • Nobody wants to pay if they don't use the product

Keep users thanks to Dynamic Pricing

Keep users thanks to Dynamic Pricing

Users who don't use your product frequently stay subscribed

  • They will continue pay you (more or less) time to time

  • Every user is a paid user. They pay for loading your product by themselves

  • Fair price for using your app brings you more satisfied customers

  • Price/value match is guaranteed

Lost users due to constant subscription

Users who don't use your product frequently just unsubscribe

  • Unsubscribed users will never pay you a penny

  • Free plans are your expenses

  • Unexpected charges lead to users disappointment

  • Nobody wants to pay if they don't use the product

Keep users thanks to Dynamic Pricing

Users who don't use your product frequently stay subscribed

  • They will continue pay you (more or less) time to time

  • Every user is a paid user. They pay for loading your product by themselves

  • Fair price for using your app brings you more satisfied customers

  • Price/value match is guaranteed

Give your users control of their payments

Let your users pay for your product like they pay their utility bills

  • Pay at the end of the month

  • Pay for how much they actually use the product

  • Pay by themselves not automatic charges

  • Pay at the end of the month

  • Pay for how much they actually use the product

  • Pay by themselves not automatic charges

Get your users back

  1. Add DePlan payment method to your checkout page (Contact us to get it done).

  2. Offer your unsubscribed users to try using your product with Smart Pricing and without any commitments.

  3. Mesure conversion and churn rate.

  1. Add DePlan payment method to your checkout page (Contact us to get it done).

  2. Offer your unsubscribed users to try using your product with Smart Pricing and without any commitments.

  3. Mesure conversion and churn rate.

All payment risks are on us

All payment risks are on us